A reminder about the club AGM.
The meeting will be at the Liskeard Sports Club (Lux Park) on Wednesday 16th February at 19:00.
All members are of course invited, indeed they should make every effort to attend.
A big part of the evening is to ensure that every member has an opportunity to bring up any issues they want to in an open forum and for members who normally run on different club nights to get together and meet socially.
There are some formalities to go through – not least the election of all club committee and officer posts.
Most of the current incumbents are willing to continue, if elected, but there are a number of vacancies.
These are ;
Committee : Ladies Captain, Child Protection Officer.
Officers: Kit Officer, Press Officer, Social Secretary.
Please have a think and if you would like to volunteer for any of these or have an idea for someone to nominate make sure you come along !!
As a final reminder and incentive, the bar will be open and there will be a free buffet provided by the club.
Looking forward to seeing everyone there.
The Committee